PPG Minutes - February 2024


Date: 28.02.2024
Time: 5.30pm to 6.30pm 
Apologies: Eleanor, Kelley, Marco
Venue: Meeting Room
Chair: Henry Jones
Minutes: Fozia

Previous Minutes

  • Reviewed


  • Henry Jones welcomed everyone at the meeting, minutes of the meeting discussed.

New Online System Klinik

  • PH updated PPG about the online system, website and new packages we will be purchasing to help keep the website and patient information up to date.
  • FA discussed speaking to GP IT regarding no wifi in the practice.
  • PH informed the PPG that when you submit a form online you will receive a text message from the practice.


  • PH informed the PPG that we have a new team of reception staff.

Patient experience

  • Danny said that hours of Klinik opening times are not on the website, patients are not aware of when it opens and closes for them to submit a form.
  • Danny asked why does klinik close at 4.00pm, PH explained it is to help with the capacity and volume of online consultations.
  • Dannys husband told PH and FA he received a text from the practice to say that he will be contacted but never received the call from the GP, PH told PPG to liaise with FA and she will investigate.
  • PPG suggested a text message to be sent to patients informing them that they did not pick up the call and to contact the practice.
  • Denise spoke of her experience when submitting an online form requesting medication.


FA did a presentation about wellbeing for staff, FA explained the project, QBGP would like to have a designated area for all staff to have lunch, we have received funding for the project and with the PPG permission we would like to go ahead with the project. PPG were very supportive and were happy with the project.


  • PPG update website on staff teams.
  • PH explained the prescription protocol.
  • Update on Homerton hospital blood test.
  • Walk around the building.

Date of next meeting: June 2024