PPG Minutes - June 2024


Date: 19.06.2024
Time: 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Venue: Meeting Room
Chair: Henry Jones
Minutes: Fozia

Previous Minutes

  • Reviewed


  • Henry Jones welcomed everyone at the meeting, minutes of the meeting discussed.

Practice Update

  • Fozia gave an update on the practice, and we now have a great nursing GPs and regular Locums.
  • Sickness leave has been reduced a lot; patients are being seen on their appointment times.

Patient experience

  • Henry explained to all that the budget in City & Hackney has increased and they are focusing a lot on patient experience. 
  • Danny expressed she received a call from the practice, but it went off before she could answer. Patrick said we will take this to the clinical meeting to discuss with the team.
  • Eleanor gave her experience on Klinik and said you get a quick response when submitting a online form.

Together Better

  • Kelley was unfortunately unable to attend to discuss updates on the coffee morning and other classes happening at QBGP. Kelley sent Heney an email to say the team are awaiting a response from QBGP about availability and she is not receiving a lot of referrals from QBGP.

PPG support for the practice

  • Patrick expressed that QBGP are very lucky to have a supporting PPG.


  • Complaints form to be uploaded to the website.
  • Fozia updated PPG on the well-being project.
  • Fozia to speak to the website team and ask if we can have a comments and suggestion tab for patients.
  • Patrick spoke to the PPG about new staff members have joined QBGP.
  • PPG mentioned new staff not being trained enough, Fozia said training is in place for all new staff.
  • Danny asked why Judith Pie is no linger working for the PCN, Patrick and I said we would send your feedback to the PCN to answer your question.
  • PPG suggested they should be able to attend PCN meetings.

Date of next meeting: TBC